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The Meeting Status

What does the meeting status mean?

Rafiki Customer Success Team avatar
Written by Rafiki Customer Success Team
Updated over 2 years ago

Meetings visible in Rafiki have one of the following states:

  • Scheduled

  • In Progress

  • Recorded

  • Not Recorded

  • Processing

  • Completed

  • Error


Meetings with a future date synced from the Web Conferencing Tool and calendar have the Scheduled status visible in the Upcoming tab. These are for the entire organization. Recording for a meeting can be turned off using the Recording Slider control.

Recording a meeting

In Progress:

Meetings have started and are in the "In Progress" state in the All Meetings and My Meetings tabs. Applicable only for Web Conference meetings


Meeting has ended and has been recorded. Visible in the All Meetings and My Meetings tabs.

Recorded meetings

Not Recorded:

Meeting has ended and the host chose not to record the calls. Visible in the All Meetings and My Meetings tabs.

Meetings not recorded


The meeting is being transcribed and analyzed by the backend engine. Visible in the All Meetings and My Meetings tabs.


Processing completed for the meeting, transcription, and analytics available. Visible in All Meetings and My Meetings tabs

Meetings Dashboard - Processed calls


Catch-all error condition that includes recording not being available on the Web Conferencing Tool/Dialer, upload failed, file corrupted, etc.

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