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Collaborate with your team on their calls by adding transcript-specific comments!

Rafiki Customer Success Team avatar
Written by Rafiki Customer Success Team
Updated over 2 years ago

Comment on the call transcript blocks of your team to give feedback or collaborate on the call. Use comments to talk to teammates with complete call context, give feedback, clarify doubts, or even remind yourself of meeting action items such as a self-note.

Comments also act as an unstructured feedback mechanism allowing a manager to give his thoughts on the rep's performance in the meeting. Rafiki also offers ways to provide structured feedback with scorecards

Add comments to transcript blocks in 2- ways

Method 1

Gif that shows commenting on Rafiki

  1. Click on the comment icon in the transcript block. The tool icons for the specific transcript block are visible when you hover over the transcript block.

    Choosing transcript specific comments in Rafiki

  2. The comment pane appears at the bottom of the pane.

  3. Type in your comments, enrich them with smileys for a bit of fun, and click POST to add your comments.

    Adding comments within Rafiki

  4. By default, anyone at your company can see your comment.

  5. You can add private comments visible only to specific people by @mentioning the users you want to notify and checking the Private Comment Checkbox

    Adding private comments visible only to a few people within Rafiki

Method 2

  1. Click on the comment icon under the meeting video on Rafiki.

    Commenting on timestamp directly from the video on Rafiki

  2. The comment pane appears at the bottom of the pane.

  3. Type in your comments, enrich them with smileys for a bit of fun, and click POST to add your comments.

    Adding comments within Rafiki

    Note: The comment gets added to the transcript block that corresponds to the video timestamp of the meeting when the comment icon was clicked.

  4. By default, anyone at your company can see your comment.

  5. You can add private comments visible only to specific people by @mentioning the users you want to notify and checking the Private Comment Checkbox

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