This article walks you through the installation steps for Rafiki with Close CRM and Dialer
Integration of Rafiki with Close CRM is done by the Close admin for the entire organization.
Sign in to your Close CRM account to create your API key (for Close CRM Admin User):
Click Settings > API Keys > + New API Key
You can find the API key provided to you in the field Your API key. Click Copy to copy the key to your clipboard.
You must be the Close CRM administrator for your company to connect Rafiki to Freshworks.
Only one Close CRM account per company is supported.
You need to be at PROFESSIONAL or BUSINESS Close CRM license to be able to integrate with Rafiki. Lower license levels do not support integrations
Steps to complete Close CRM with Rafiki Integration
Step 1: Login to the Rafiki app
Step 2: Click on the 'Settings' icon.
Step 3: Click on the 'Integrations' tab.
Step 4: Click on the 'Add Integration' button under Close CRM.
Step 5: Enter the Close Admin user's API Key (value copied from the Close Settings > API Settings page )
Step-6: Click on Authorize to complete the integration
Upon successful completion, you will see your Close Leads and Opportunities visible in the Accounts and Deals Dashboards. Only objects owned by Rafiki users are synced.
Deals Synced from Close CRM