Go to Deals > Forecast.
Select the Manager / Team you want.
Select the business line you want - "New Business" or "Renewal".
Select Forecast time period.
The forecast table shows the following columns:
Target attainment column shows a measure of rep performance, showing how close they are to their target (sales quota).
This column displays the advancement made as deals are successfully concluded, and either you or the individual in question progresses towards their goal. The progress bar illustrates the completed sales in terms of both dollar amount and percentage, as well as the remaining dollar amount needed to achieve the target.
Pipeline coverage column shows the value of your pipeline relative to the deals you have to close to reach your target.
Coverage is the total active pipeline (open deals) divided by the remaining quota to go (assigned target minus deals filtered by the target filter)
The Pipeline coverage column shows how much coverage there is, that is the total active pipeline divided by the remaining quota to go in the selected period.
Forecast Category Columns - synced from CRM (Best Case, Most Likely and Commit)
See your forecast for each category, how much (%) of your target it represents, and the total dollar value and number of deals that make up that category.