Invite Other Users
If your organization is not using Google SSO or Microsoft SSO then additional users can be added using these steps.
Login to Rafiki App and Navigate to Settings > User Management > Users
Click Add New User
New Users can be added From CRM or By Email ID
Select Team (Optional):
If Teams have already been created then they will be available in the dropdown
Select License Types: Default selection for new users will be Free and this will change once the license has been purchased for the user.
Premium is paid seats for folks who are actively recording their meetings, connecting with deals/Accounts, and syncing with CRM and want them to appear in Rafiki. This is the highest level of access that provides premium analytics, in addition to all the
Free users have access to everything in the platform that Premium and AI Assistant do, except not able to record any meeting; However, Freemium users can optionally get a day pass for occasional recording for a small fee
Click on Add User. The new user will be notified by email with the instructions to change the password on first-time login.