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Add Slack Integration

How to integration Slack with Rafiki to be able to share meeting, snippet and playlist url internally

Rafiki Customer Success Team avatar
Written by Rafiki Customer Success Team
Updated over 2 years ago

You must be an admin in both Rafiki and Slack to connect to Slack.

  1. In Rafiki, go to Settings > Integrations Tab > Slack.

  2. Click Add Integration.

    You’re redirected to Slack, and asked to choose your Slack workspace.

  3. Sign in to your Slack workspace.

  4. In the permission request page, click Allow to give Rafiki access to Slack.

    Rafiki uses the scopes outlined in this article.

    You’re redirected back to the Slack integration settings page. You are now connected to Slack.

    Slack integration permissions
  5. If you want to turn on Slack notifications for all recorded users immediately, click YES in the Turn on Slack notifications message.

    Individuals will be notified in a private Slack channel when someone replies to their comment, someone mentions them in a comment, and someone comments on a call they follow.

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