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Scorecard Templates

Scorecards provide a framework for a structured feedback mechanism geared toward increasing team performance

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Written by Rafiki Customer Success Team
Updated over a year ago

Who can do this: Users with Admin and Manager Roles

Scorecards and its purpose

Scorecards provide managers, enablement, and reps the ability to rate and give feedback on a specific meeting. This structured review mechanism provides consistency in feedback criteria and data that teams can use to better coach and increase their team performance.

From a management perspective, scorecards enable sales leaders to rank their reps in order to see who needs more engagement and support and who can take on more difficult leads.

Why is feedback necessary?

Rafiki helps identify areas where reps need coaching and offers several ways to provide feedback:

  • structured feedback through scorecards along with in-depth analytics

  • unstructured feedback through comments on meetings.

Structured feedback is an important method to deliver coaching to team members. Scorecards allow managers and enablement to hone in on explicit coaching opportunities and then ensure that others across the team can learn from the best examples.

Sales leaders, managers, and enablement pros have limited visibility into the:

  • Whether or not coaching is taking place

  • Whether or not the reps are putting that coaching into practice

  • Whether or not the coaching is having an impact on rep performance

Scorecard Templates

Rafiki allows you to create scorecard templates each with a set of questions geared to evaluate meetings on a scale of 0-5 or N/A (used when the question is not applicable to the template). The score helps distinguish between successful meetings and ones that need improvement. The questions in the scorecard focus on different aspects of the meeting to provide clear, detailed feedback.

Scorecards are customizable so that the specific elements can be tailored to your specific use case. There can be multiple scorecards assigned to a meeting.

Scorecards can kickstart team growth from as early as new hire onboarding and can then be used strategically throughout the rep’s lifetime to help build a coaching culture within your organization. A best practice would be to identify areas in your sales cycle where reps are falling short and develop scorecards around it to gather data from structured feedback and provide targeted ways to improve performance.

Scorecard Template Examples

Some examples where scorecards can be extremely useful:

  • Cold Calls - SDR

  • Discovery Calls - SDR

  • Product Demos - AE

  • Trial Kickoff - AE

  • Trial Checkin - AE

  • Onboarding - Account Management

  • Kickoff Call - CSM

Here are a few sample scorecards:

Coaching opportunities

Potential scorecard questions

SDR: Cold Calls

  1. Did the SDR let the prospect know that they were calling on a recorded line?

  2. How well does the rep set up the reason for the call?

  3. Did they get the customer’s buy-in on establishing an agenda?

  4. Did they ask how familiar they are with our product?

  5. How natural did discovery feel?

  6. How well did they handle objections?

  7. Did they gain all the information you need?

  8. How well did they “sell” the next step and close?

SDR: Discovery Calls

  1. Was the rep prepared for the call?

  2. Was a clear agenda for the call set?

  3. Did the SDR begin with a strong opener to set the tone of the call, frame the goals of the meeting, and set the agenda?

  4. Did they perform discovery before jumping into the platform use cases and details?

  5. Did the SDR ask qualifying questions about their pain points, goals, and needs?

  6. Did the SDR explain to the prospect what we offer as well as determine if they need it?

Product Demo - AE

  1. Was the AE come prepared for the call? Was a clear agenda for the call set?

  2. How well did the rep tailor the demo to the customer’s needs?

  3. Did the AE provide a demo that was use-case and value-oriented?

  4. Did the rep summarize previous conversations?

  5. Did the rep handle objections with fact-based value points?

  6. Did they set clear next steps after the call?

Trial KickOff - AE

  1. Did the AE set an agenda for the kickoff and framed the purpose of the meeting and potential next steps?

  2. Did the AE use the business use case deck to present our product?

  3. Did they set proper onboarding, timeline, and partnership expectations?

  4. Did they dive deeper to learn more about the top priorities, goals, and initiatives?

  5. Did the AE set the next steps (individual training) and closed the meeting effectively

Trial Checkin - AE

  1. Did the AE set a clear agenda for the call and set a purpose?

  2. Did the AE ask the prospect trialing to share their screen and walked them through the basics of the product before jumping into deeper customizations?

  3. Were the customer's key pain points clearly identified and did the AE make sure our product addressed those?

  4. How well did the AE handle the customer's concerns?

  5. Did the AE clearly communicate our benefits and capabilities?

  6. Was the customer buying process clearly outlined/explained?

  7. Did the AE set clear next steps?

  8. Were the goals of the call achieved?

How to create a scorecard template

Now that you have an idea of what types of scorecards you want to build, let’s walk through the steps of building out a scorecard.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must be a Rafiki user with Admin or Manager Role in order to create a scorecard template.
  1. Navigate to Settings> General > Manage Scorecards.

    The default scorecard templates, as well as any scorecards you created, are shown in the dropdown at the top.

    Rafiki - manage scorecards

  2. At the top right, click on Add New Scorecard or Clone Scorecard.

  3. Enter the scorecard’s name and press Enter.

  4. Click on Add Questions, at the top of the scorecard, enter the question, and save. By default, all questions have a 0-5 star rating.

  5. Enter the weights for each question (Default set to 1). The weights are used in computing the Weighted Average Score for the call.

  6. All scorecards will have the overall question "How would you rate this call" scored on a scale of 0-5 stars, and this cannot be changed.

    By default, new scorecards are disabled, and set to appear for all meetings only after they have been published, Adding a question to the scorecard automatically saves it.

  7. Click Publish Scorecard to save your changes. We recommend publishing the scorecard only when finalized and avoiding making changes to it once it has been published.

  8. Published scorecards will be available in Meetings > View Scorecard modal. Users with manager and admin roles can score meetings.

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