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FAQs - Pipedrive CRM Integration

Frequently asked questions on how Rafiki integrates with Pipedrive CRM

Rafiki Customer Success Team avatar
Written by Rafiki Customer Success Team
Updated over 2 years ago
  1. Why should I integrate with Pipedrive?

    Rafiki-Pipedrive CRM integration allows your teams to see meetings in the context of Accounts and Deals that they are working on. This provides an integrated 360-degree of the deal along the touch points that the Rep has had with the prospect, which is particularly important to track in long-running deals.

  2. How does Rafiki integrate with Pipedrive CRM?

    Rafiki uses OAuth authentication to connect to Pipedrive CRM. We do not store your Pipedrive credentials.

  3. What does Rafiki import from Pipedrive CRM?

    Rafiki imports organizations, deals, and persons and associates them with the meetings.

  4. How does Rafiki map meetings to the Pipedrive Deal/Opportunity?

    Rafiki maps the Meetings to the Deal based on the participants of the meeting. Find out more.

  5. Does Rafiki push data to Pipedrive?

    Yes. Rafiki automatically associates meetings with the deal/opportunity based on the participants of the meeting. Rafiki automatically generates topic-specific meeting notes and these are pushed to the Deal in Pipedrive CRM. Find out more

  6. What does Rafiki use the Pipedrive data for?

    Rafiki stores the data we pull from Pipedrive CRM to analyze your meetings and touch points with your prospects to provide meaningful, actionable insights.

  7. Which Pipedrive user account should I use to integrate?

    Pipedrive admin user will be able to authorize the integration. This Pipedrive admin user must be a valid Rafiki user and integration should be performed from this user account.

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