Congratulations and Asante Sana (which means Thank you very much in Swahili) for trusting in Rafiki!
As an admin, you have been trusted to take care of your team. We will help you do that, here. Let's get started with this checklist of linked items, shall we?
For Organizations using Single Sign-on:
Using Single sign-on automatically integrates with your Calendar. Each additional user in the organization should follow the same steps to sign up for Rafiki
For Organizations signing up with work email:
Confirm Voice Pattern has been recorded.
Add teams (Optional)
Integrate with Conference tool - To be completed by Web Conference Tool Admin User:
Zoom Web Conference Integration (Follow all steps in linked articles)
Integrate with CRM (for Premium License Users) - To be Completed by CRM Admin User:
Integrate with Dialers (Optional)
Don't forget to check out our articles on
Need additional support? Please contact your Customer Success Manager or email us at [email protected]